Osteopathy is a holistic manual therapy, performed using highly skilled evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of dysfunctions and conditions that can plague your body. Osteopathy may help to reduce pain & inflammation, restore movement and function of the body, bringing your body back to its natural state & alignment.
Osteopaths focus on how your skeleton, joints, muscles, nerves, circulation, connective tissue and internal organs function as a holistic unit. Depending on the condition presented and the patient, various techniques are used like:
Anyone from infants, children, teenagers, adults to seniors can benefit from osteopathy. It may help to manage musculoskeletal conditions like:
Learn more about the conditions we are trained in by reading through our library of conditions.
An Osteopathic diagnosis and evaluation will be made based on your presenting symptoms and your past and present medical conditions will be considered. From here, a personalised and holistic treatment plan will be drawn up by your practitioner.
The philosophy of Osteopathy is that everything is connected. We are all different, have different movement patterns, history & lifestyles. We might also have different root causes to the same problem or pain. Each patient is unique and each treatment is therefore tailored to the patient and their needs.